Our Culture

ITegrity was founded by an entrepreneur, and it is our belief that each employee must be allowed to operate as one

ITegrity is a Fun Place To Work

They say to treat your friends like family and your family like friends. At ITegrity, we embrace this philosophy wholeheartedly. A lot of companies boast about their benefits and work culture, but we know of few who can boast that many of our employees are referrals. That’s right, referrals. People who work here like it so much they get their friends or former colleagues to join us. With so many people on staff already knowing someone well, we’re less about “new job jitters” and more about empowering people to reach their potential. We’re utterly opposed to micro-management of staff. We look for talented individuals at all junctures of life – just out of college, a few years into the workforce, or many years into their careers – and give them the tools and resources to be successful at what they love to do. And we strive to meet employees’ schedule needs, to allow them to best flourish.

ITegrity was founded by an entrepreneur,

And it is our belief that each employee must be allowed to operate as one: creating, contributing, brainstorming, and troubleshooting. If you’re an ideas person, and want to find a technology, engineering or business position that pays well, has awesome benefits, gives you dignity and decision-making, and has amazing people to work with – talk to us. We take resumes at all times, and like to stay in touch with folks even when an opening is only down the road. So feel free to send us your resume. Sometimes the biggest decision you can make is to join an excellent small business.

Our Clients

Some of the clients we have had the privilege to serve.

U.S. Department of Agriculture
U.S. Department of Commerce
General Services Administration
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
U.S. Census Bureau
U.S. Department of the Interior
Defense Information Systems Agency
Department of the Army